Old images from my distant past

These images show stuff from my high school years to the late nineties, starting with photography and drawing, then computer graphics 3d imagery, and then computer graphics programming -- culminating in Accudraw and related tools which I invented and coded, and which are still very popular to this day.

First, some photography

I've been into colors for ages.

One is using a sparkler and color filters and a flash, the other using flash and color filters. I was doing RGB before I even used a computer!

yes I used to go by Bob...

Drafting stuff

I also did mechanical design and drafting, using old school pencil and paper

These are for an injected molded part, drawn during my first co-op job in 1985

Color theory sketches

Some drawings related to colors and color theory, as well as how coordinates work in 3d graphics, from 1986-87


I made this human model in 1987 (t my second co-op job), which got extremely wide use including his hand being on the cover of Computer Graphics World magazine